The Internet and cyberspace are a gradually developing structure. Every second, new
devices, systems and users connect within the network, which causes constant growth and
changes in the sphere of threats arising from cyberspace. Türkiye is one of the countries
in the world most exposed to cyber threats. However, one of its goals was to bring the
field of cybersecurity to an international level. The aim of this article is to present the
framework of Türkiye’s cybersecurity policy and answer the following questions: What
steps have been taken in Türkiye to protect the state and society against the effects
of threats in cyberspace? In which areas has Türkiye achieved significant progress in
cyberspace protection, and which are still the biggest challenges?
Akyeşilmen N., Türkiye in the Global Cybersecurity Arena: Strategies in Theory and Practice, „Insight Turkey” 2022, vol. 24, no. 3.
Chochowski K., Strategia cyberbezpieczeństwa jako przejaw polityki administracyjnej, „Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego. Seria Prawo” 2019, no. 107.
Cybersecurity Policy Making at a Turning Point Analysing a New Generation of National Cybersecurity Strategies for the Internet Economy, [access: 5.10.2023].
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