The local self-government’s place in the cybersecurity domain. Examples of Poland and Hungary
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Prof., PhD, Loránd University (Budapest, Hungary), Faculty of Law,
Department of Administrative Law and Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Social Sciences, Legal Studies Institutes (Budapest, Hungary)
Prof. PhD, Chair of Administrative Law and Security Studies, Faculty
of Law and Administration, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
Publication date: 2022-07-02
Cybersecurity and Law 2022;7(1):171-190
Local self-government, as a structure within which civil society can thrive, where the digital competencies of the local and regional community come to life, must have the right tools to ensure adequate cybersecurity. These days, e-government, also at the local self-government level, is a common form of performing public tasks, and as a result, its activities in cyberspace must be properly secured. Many tasks are performed using ICT systems that are exposed to external attacks, and therefore, they should meet the appropriate security standards. The article refers to the legal solutions in the field of cybersecurity operating within local self-government in Poland and Hungary.
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